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THEMA: World Saxophone Congress 2006

World Saxophone Congress 2006 14 Dez 2005 17:04 #9509

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The World Saxophone Congress is a festival gathering approximately 1000 saxophonists and other musicians from all over the world. It is held once every three years at a different congress centre in a different country. The Congress presents an opportunity to meet saxophonists from many countries and to listen to various concerts and performances.

Daily, a full-schedule of various performances will take place simultaneously in up to five halls of Cankarjev dom. Each active participant will have the opportunity to give his performance either as a soloist or in a group. Participants will be granted free admission to all concerts of saxophonists from all over the world performing as soloists, with piano accompaniment, or in duos, trios, quartets, chamber ensembles etc. Each of the five days will be concluded by an evening concert of the orchestra and outstanding international soloists from all over the world.

Conferences, lectures, master-classes, clinics and exhibitions of saxophone manufacturers, additional equipment, discography and sheet-music publications will also take place during the Congress. A detailed programme will be published after the end of registration period.

There are no limitations for participation. Traditionally there is very high interest for participation among saxophone players (professionals, professors, amateurs, students, quartets, ensembles...) and others involved in saxophone music (composers, conductors...)

Each active participant may perform at the Congress up to 25 minutes either as a soloist or in any type of group (it should consist a saxophone) interpreting classical, jazz, contemporary or any other saxophone literature. All styles are welcome.

The following outstanding saxophonists will perform: Claude Delangle, Eugene Rousseau, Jean Marie Londeix, Jean Yves Fourmeau, Kenneth Tse, Daniel Gauthier and of course many others.

For more information and registration visit the Official Web Page of the Congress: http://www.worldsax.net.
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World Saxophone Congress 2006 25 Jul 2006 19:23 #21365

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Was ist daraus eigentlich geworden?
Hat das stattgefunden, war jemand dort?
Habe ja nie wieder was davon gehört.... :evil:
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World Saxophone Congress 2006 25 Jul 2006 23:51 #21366

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hallo micha
der Kongress hat sattgefunden und ich kenne auch jemand der dort war .

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