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THEMA: Kohlert "star" from app.1935

Kohlert "star" from app.1935 03 Nov 2004 18:08 #228

  • Ville
  • Villes Avatar
Hi all

I've just bought a Kohlert star tenor saxophone with serial number 266xxx. I have not been able to find much information on the manufacturer and practically none about this model. If anyone knows where to find more than just an overline view of the production I'd be happy to hear. It would also be fun to hear about experiences with this model.

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Kohlert "star" from app.1935 03 Nov 2004 18:48 #229

  • smatjes
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Hi Ville and welcome on Saxwelt.

My English is very bad but i will try it.

Kohlert was a big Saxmaker from 1900 to 1945 in Graslitz, Austria/Cz. After the World War II Kohlert start again in Germany 1947 in Würtemberg. 1977 Kohlert are stoped the Production. Your Sax was produced in 1935.

Kohlert delievered the King H.N.White Saxophones from 1910 to approx. 1925 and was the biggest Saxophonmaker in the Musikwinkel.

Sorry now an Google Translation
Until 1918 Kraslice belonged to Graslitz to the Hungarian and Austrian part of Boehmens and was called Graslitz 1918 Czechoslovakia was based and to Kraslice 1938 Kraslice on urge of Hitler into the German Reich integrated and became again Graslitz for the first time. 1945, after the lost war, went to Graslitz again to Czechoslovakia and were called from now on again Kraslice.

In the World War II nearly all documents were lost. Therefore today hardly something is to be found over Kohlert. Also inquire with his successor Bernd Mossmann unfortunately remained without answer.

Sorry for my bad English
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