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THEMA: Symphony Model made in Elkhart

Symphony Model made in Elkhart 08 Feb 2005 15:00 #1472

  • waldenfelserik
  • waldenfelseriks Avatar

ich biete zur Zeit bei eBay ein Sopransax mit der Bezeichnung "Symphony Model made in Elkhart" an. Ich habe es bei eBay USA als Buescher ersteigert. Auf Nachfrage hat mir der Verkäufer Folgendes mitgeteilt:
"Erik, sorry about the delay to getting back with you, we have not been on line for a few days. Regarding the Symphony Soprano Sax, it was definitely built by Buescher, under one of the various names they used. All of the manufactures, had various names they used over the years-what they did, would be to give a music store outlet an exclusive, on their own name, where as they would be the only one promoting/selling that brand in a given city (Sorta of an exclusive for that city), then they would come back, and give other music stores also an exclusive using various names, for instance, Buescher used Viking, Symphony, Vega, and many more names, they (the horns) were 100% the same as the parent company. They are easy to spot, by the key configurations, style of engraving, and sometimes the serial numbers. The key work on the instrument you purchased, is very definitely Buescher-they made sopranos, tenors, and baritones, in this manner. Conns are even easier, to spot, because their serial numbers, always started with the letter "P". Conn used names, like Gladiator, Pan American, Grinnell, etc. Your soprano is definitely a Buescher. We are happy that you are happy with it. If the horn were a Conn, the whole instrument would have had a bigger bore, and an oval shaped thumb rest for your right thumb. I have a list of the Buescher serial numbers, such as the one you have, but will have to find it. When I find it, I'll send you a copy-it may take a while, as it is packed away somewhere. As we said in the "flyer" we send you, we have over 2,000 woodwinds, and just as many assorted mouthpieces, and accessories. So much of the stuff is packed away, just don't know when we can get to all of it. Thank you again...........Ron and Bev"

Weiß jemand etwas genaueres über dieses Symphony Model?
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Symphony Model made in Elkhart 08 Feb 2005 15:32 #1473

  • smatjes
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Vergleiche mal hier mit den Stencils.

Das Sax wurde von Buescher gebaut, dann ohne Gravur an verschiedene Firmen geliefert, die dann ihren Namen oder sonstige Gravuren auf den Saxen verewigt haben.

Oft waren die Stencils Vorläufer der zu dem Zeitpunkt aktuellen Modelle der Original-Hersteller. Es gab aber auch Neuheiten, die an den Stencils erprobt wurden.

Die Firmen die die Stencils in Auftrag gaben, haten meist mit Saxophonen wenig am Hut. Sie wollten einfach etwas von dem großen Geld abhaben.
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Symphony Model made in Elkhart 08 Feb 2005 16:50 #1474

  • waldenfelserik
  • waldenfelseriks Avatar
Hallo smatjes,

vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Leider habe ich genau diesen Stencil bei Saxwelt und woanders nicht gefunden. Allerdings waren die Bilder eines true tone bei saxpics.com aus der gleichen Zeit wirklich so gut wie identisch, insbesondere was die Anordnung der Tastatur für die kleinen Finger anbelangt. Conn und Martin waren anders. Gibt es auch bei Sopranos sichere Erkennungszeichen für den Hersteller Buescher?
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